Search Tips
- Brainstorm keywords for your topic in both French and English (subject terms in some databases are English).
- Start specific, but be prepared to broaden your research focus and search terms.
- Keep it simple, and don’t combine too many ideas.
- Where the option exists, limit the language to French/Français.
- Limit to “Full Text” or “Texte intégral seulement”; but expect that some items may still not be accessible.
Planificateur de recherche / Research Planner
Article Databases
Provides full text access to almost 170,000 eBooks, and records for almost 70,000 print books in our General Collection.
Limits: Language > French. |
Cairn provides full-text access to scholarly journals, popular magazines and e-books published in French. Among its holdings are the titles Cerveau & Psycho, Les Grands Dossiers des Sciences Humaines, Pour la Science, and Sciences Humaines. The Cairn collection is divided into three subdomains:
Bibliothèque numérique en sciences humaines et sociales Bibliothèque numérique en sciences, techniques et médecine Bibliothèque numérique en droit et administration |
Created by the Université de Montréal, Université Laval and Université du Québec à Montréal, Érudit is the leading provider of Francophone and Canadian peer-reviewed journals in North America.
Journals by Discipline |
OpenEdition (open access)
A comprehensive electronic infrastructure for academic communication in the humanities and social sciences. It combines four platforms dedicated to books, journals, research blogs, and academic announcements respectively. A high proportion of the content is published in French and a search can be limited to “only open access documents.”
Persée (open access)
Established by France’s Ministère de l’éducation nationale, Persée provides full text access to the back files of French journals in the social and human sciences.
Vente et Gestion (EDS)
Provides full text of French language business journals serving both academic and professional researchers, with topics such as accounting & tax, administration, industry & manufacturing, marketing, logistics, technology and others.
The BAnQ’s Plateformes numériques can be accessed remotely by any Quebec resident who subscribes to the library’s remote services. The collection includes several English- and French-language periodical databases that the Dawson College Library does not subscribe to.
Browse a list of French language titles available in our General Collection.
Use Discovery to search for print books in the Dawson Library Catalogue.
Limits: Language > French; Databases being searched…: Dawson Library Catalogue. |
This section of the Cairn database provides full-text access to more than 14,000 French-language e-books, on subjects ranging across the social sciences.
Contains almost 15,000 titles from more than 60 of Canada’s leading publishers; and more than 30,000 publications by Canadian public policy institutes, government agencies, advocacy groups, think-tanks, university research centres and other public interest groups.
Limits: Document Language (from search field drop-down) > French |
Contains 125,000 multidisciplinary titles representing a broad range of academic subject matter, with some content in French.
ScholarVox est la première bibliothèque numérique communautaire dédiée aux institutions académiques, écoles de commerce et écoles d’ingénieurs.
Films (DVD & Streaming)
Lists all of the films with French language soundtracks or subtitles in the Library’s film collection.
Contains a wealth of primary-source content in English and French, including the latest from CBC and Radio-Canada’s award-winning documentary, news, drama, and children’s programming (e.g. The Nature of Things, The Fifth Estate and The National). In addition to thousands of programs, there are hundreds of teacher resource guides carefully selected to support provincial K-12 curricula and post-secondary courses across the country.
Contains over 26,000 films, including award-winning documentaries, rare titles, independent and classic films, and world cinema, from producers such as Criterion, the Media Education Foundation, The Great Courses, New Day Films, California Newsreel, Kino Lorber, and PBS. Browse the collection by subject and discipline, or search for a specific title.
Please use only for academic purposes, as each “Play” incurs fees |
Reference Sources
This is the electronic, online version of a large multi-volume French-language encyclopedia.
The French edition of a national encyclopedia produced by, for, and about the people of Canada, covering its events, culture, history, peoples, and landscape.
Maintained by the Office québécois de la langue française (OQLF), this tools allows users to search both the Grand dictionnaire terminologique, for definitions and translations of words across numerous domains, as well as the Banque de dépannage linguistique, for information on French grammar, orthography (spelling), syntax, and usage.
News & Websites
Newspaper Websites
Websites from Quebec, Canada & France
Search for information from websites in Quebec (, Canada (.ca) and France (.fr), and from the Newspaper Websites above.