Research Tutorials

The videos and tutorials on this page have been produced, and freely distributed online, by library professionals at other college and university libraries, or by the companies that supply our databases.

Library Research Basics

Why Use the Library?

Why Can’t I Just Search Google?
University of Rhode Island Libraries, 2:26 min.

Searching 101

Searching Online Databases
WalterStiernLibrary, 6:40 min.

Types of Information

Information Cycle
DigitalLiteracy, 1:37 min.

The Information Timeline and Types of Sources
SCCC Library, 4:11 min.

Scholarly vs. Popular Sources

Scholarly vs. Popular Sources
Ohlone College Library Videos, 3:51 min.

Popular and Scholarly Sources
Belk Library, 2:55 min.

Scholarly vs. Non-Scholarly
vculibraries, 3:39 min.

Reading Call Numbers

Reading a Call Number (Library of Congress)
Douglas College Library, 2:07 min.

AND, OR & NOT (Boolean Logic)

Boolean Searching
USF Polytechnic Library, 3:42 min.

Boolean Operators
fuliboutreach, 2:19 min.

Boolean Operators Tutorial
Emily Mazure, 3:02 min.

Boolean Operators
GaStateULibrary, University of Auckland, 4:49 min.

Choosing/Developing Research Topics…

Developing a Research Question
Steely Library NKU, 4:33 min.

Developing a Research Question
Laurier Library, 6:25 min.

Choosing/Evaluating Sources

Primary and Secondary Sources
Steely Library NKU, 2:05 min.

How Library Stuff Works: How to Evaluate Resources (the CRAAP Test)
McMaster Libraries, 2:09 min

Citing Sources

Why We Cite?
UNC Writing Center, 2:06 min.

How we cite?
UNC Writing Center, 1:53 min.

Plagiarism Rap
Cite your Sources, 1:03 min.

When to Cite Your Sources
University of Waterloo, 2:28 min.

Self-Paced Tutorials

Library Research Skills Tutorial
Concordia University Library

This series of modules can “help you achieve academic success” by “providing the necessary foundations and skills to find useful information, to evaluate it critically, and to use it wisely for your various assignments.”

Mon Diapason

Diapason met à votre disposition des capsules, des tutoriels vidéos et des aide-mémoires. Les ressources sont regroupées en fonction des 4 grandes étapes d’une recherche, soit Préparer la recherche, Trouver la documentation, Évaluer et Exploiter l’information. Diapason a vu le jour grâce au programme de collaboration universités-collèges du Ministère de l’Éducation et des Loisirs, des six bibliothèques des collèges de la région de Québec et la Bibliothèque de l’Université Laval.

Sandra Lenneville, Collège Gérald-Godin

Ce petit guide a comme objectif de vous soutenir dans votre recherche d’information. Il rappelle les éléments de base pour réaliser une recherche efficace: Analyser son sujet de recherche; Identifier les bonnes sources d’information et les bons outils de recherche; Connaître les ressources de sa discipline; Exécuter une stratégie de recherche efficace; Localiser des documents dans la bibliothèque; Évaluer l’information; et Citer et indiquer ses références correctement.

Unlocking Research
George Wallace Library, Champlain College Saint-Lambert

Unlocking Research is a guide developed to help you navigate your way through the research process, from the initial definition and development of your research topic to the final citation of your sources in your bibliography. Explore each section individually or use the resources within them simultaneously.

Database Platforms


EBSCO Discovery Service

EBSCOhost Advanced Search

Citing Articles in EBSCOhost

MyEBSCO Folder & Account


JSTOR Advanced Search (Emily Strong)

JSTOR isn’t Google: Quick tips on searching JSTOR (JSTOR)